

Join one of our local non-profit partners on a service project doing good in the Asheville community. This experience is for those amazing humans that want to give back to the community they are vacationing in. The specific work will be determined by the organization leading the project for that day, but some examples include road/stream cleanup, invasive species removal, and trail/park improvement. All projects are family-friendly and gear/equipment is provided, but participants should wear pants and closed-toe shoes, and bring a water bottle. Be an example of good to those around you and become part of the Asheville community by leaving it a little better off than when you arrived!

Price pp: Your Time

Duration: 3 hours (Saturdays 9am-12pm)

Getting There: The non-profit organization will determine the meet-up location, which is typically within 10 minutes drive from the Wrong Way property

In partnership with: Riverlink and Asheville Greenworks

To Book/Purchase: Sign up at least 24 hours in advance by using THIS FORM


Authentic Asheville

Stay at Wrong Way to experience Asheville's unconventional, outdoor-centered personality.